Ultimate MCAT Study package
Introducing the latest 2023-2024 MCAT preparation package that allows you to succeed in MCAT first attempt.
This complete package includes six complete eBooks in PDF format, and can be purchased individually or in a package of four or six eBooks.
The MCAT Prime complete package provides detailed and comprehensive study materials, supported by challenging and stimulating practice questions, for each topic.
Glen’s MCAT story
I always had a dream of becoming a doctor, and I knew that the first step towards achieving that goal was to pass the MCAT exam. However, the reality of sitting the exam was far more challenging than I had ever imagined.
After taking the exam twice and failing each time, I was frustrated and felt like my dream of becoming a doctor was shattered. I couldn't understand what was going wrong, and the more I tried, the more demotivated I became.
Passing the MCAT exam had always been a dream of mine, but after multiple failed attempts, I felt like giving up. My confidence was shattered, and I couldn't imagine how I would ever achieve my goal of becoming a doctor. That's when I found MCAT Prime, and it was a game-changer.
The course provided me with comprehensive study materials and practice exams that were specifically designed to prepare students for the MCAT exam. The course structure was well-organized, and the study materials covered all the essential concepts and topics required to succeed in the exam.
After completing the course, I felt more confident and well-prepared than ever before. I took the MCAT exam again, and this time, I passed! It was a moment of incredible relief and joy, and I knew that I had MCAT Prime to thank for my success.
If you're struggling to prepare for the MCAT exam, I highly recommend MCAT Prime. The course materials, instruction, and support are top-notch, and they played a significant role in my success. With their help, I was able to overcome my previous failures and achieve my dream of becoming a medical student.
Does this sound familiar?
You may occasionally imagine how it would feel to wake up every day and head to your dream job. You envision yourself saving lives, curing and preventing diseases, and making a positive impact on the world. However, at times, the thought of something you fear comes to mind.
We Have The Solution…
Why Get One When You Can Get All?
Our MCAT Home Study Course is the ultimate solution for anyone struggling to prepare for the MCAT exam. We understand the challenges that come with studying for such a critical exam and have spent years researching, developing, and refining our materials to create the highest quality study resources available. Our course includes eight comprehensive packages, covering all essential topics and concepts required to succeed in the exam.
Our materials are designed to help you prepare for the MCAT exam more efficiently and effectively. By investing in our MCAT Home Study Course, you will have access to the most comprehensive study materials available, save time and effort by studying smarter, and have peace of mind knowing that you are well-prepared for the exam. Take the first step towards achieving your dream of becoming a medical student by investing in our MCAT Home Study Course today.
Our MCAT Prime specialists and authors have spent countless hours creating an eBook that enables you to riddle out all the general chemistry related questions constituting 30% of Section I of the MCAT.
The time restraint in Section I plays a crucial role in the outcome of the exam. You only have 95 minutes to answer 59 questions which gives you about 1 minute and 36 seconds per question. After studying from our eBook, you’ll be able to recall General Chemistry information with ease and apply it to the exam questions without hesitation.
- Comprehensive
Covers all the topics required for General Chemistry content in the MCAT. - Clear and includes precise information
Provides clear and precise content that exactly covers each topic and subtopic and does not include additional unnecessary information. - MCAT-specific advice
MCAT-specific advice is provided in all sections of the book. It gives an indication of the topics and types of questions that may arise in the MCAT based on the previous years of the exam so you will become well-equipped for the current MCAT exam.
General Chemistry!
Our MCAT Prime specialists and authors have spent countless hours to create a book that enables YOU to riddle out all the general chemistry related questions (30%) of the section I of MCAT.
The time restrain in section I plays a crucial role in the outcome of the exam. You only have 95 minutes to answer 59 questions which gives you about 1 minute and 36 seconds per question.
- Comprehensive
Covers all the dot points topics required for Organic Chemistry content of the MCAT. - Clear and includes precise information
Provides clear and precise content that is exactly covering the dot point and does not include additional unnecessary information. - MCAT- specific advice
MCAT-specific advice is provided in different topics and parts of the book. It gives an indication what formulas to be memorised to increase the efficiency in the exam as well as the topics that may arise based on the pervious years of the MCAT so you are well-equipped for the actual MCAT exam. - Worked out solutions
Various sample problems provided to help you learn how to name, recognise and predict the different types of reactions of organic molecules and be able to predict the products of each multistep reactions.
Organic Chemistry!
Our MCAT Prime mentors have spent countless hours to come up with a physics book that enables YOU to tackle any physics questions related questions (25%) of the section I of MCAT.
The time restrain in section I plays a crucial role in the outcome of the exam. You only have 95 minutes to answer 59 questions which gives you about 1 minute and 36 seconds per question.
- Comprehensive
Covers all the dot points topics required for physics Chemistry content of the MCAT. - Clear and includes precise information
Provides clear and precise content that is exactly covering the dot point and does not include additional unnecessary information. - MCAT- specific advice
MCAT-specific advice is provided in different topics and parts of the book. It gives an indication what formulas to be memorised to increase the efficiency in the exam as well as the topics that may arise based on the pervious years of the MCAT so you are well-equipped for the actual MCAT exam. - Worked out solutions
Numerous sample problems of varying degree of difficulty to enable students to learn the basics and build their confidence as they get to the more difficult and complicated sample problems. The solutions provide diagrams and sketch of the problem to allow students to better understand the questions and also be able to visualise the problem without actually drawing it out.
Our MCAT Prime mentors have spent countless hours to come up with a CARS book that enables YOU to tackle any CARS questions related questions (25%) of the section II of MCAT.
The time restrain in section I plays a crucial role in the outcome of the exam. You only have 90 minutes to answer 53 questions which gives you about 1 minute and 11 seconds per question.
- Comprehensive
Provides a lot of worked examples with explanation that requires students to use their critical analysis and reasoning skills. - Clear and includes precise information
Provides clear and precise content that is exactly aiming to trigger critical analysis and reasoning skills of the candidates and does not include additional unnecessary information. - Sample passages with worked answers
The book provides a sample passage at the end of each topic which provides worked examples and explanation in the same level of difficulty as that of MCAT so you are well-equipped for the actual MCAT exam.
Our MCAT prime authors have spent tremendous hours to prepare the best biology book that allows YOU to answer all the biology questions (90%) of section III of MCAT. The biology books cover all the introductory biology topics (65%) of MCAT as well as all the biochemistry topics (25%) of the section III of MCAT. The other topics that may arise in section III are general chemistry (5%) and organic chemistry (5%) that are covered in MCAT general chemistry and organic chemistry books.
The time restrain in section I plays a crucial role in the outcome of the exam. You only have 95 minutes to answer 59 questions which gives you about 1 minute and 36 seconds per question.
- Comprehensive
Covers all the dot points topics required for Biology content of the MCAT. - Clear and includes precise information
Provides clear and precise content that is exactly covering the dot point and does not include additional unnecessary information. - MCAT- specific advice
MCAT-specific advice is provided in different topics and parts of the book. It gives an indication what formulas to be memorised to increase the efficiency in the exam as well as the topics that may arise based on the pervious years of the MCAT so you are well-equipped for the actual MCAT exam. - Highly engaging diagrams and illustrations
It helps students to visualise different process and allows them to better understand the biology topics, process and systems.
Our MCAT authors have spent months of work to create a book that covers all the psychology, sociology and biological foundations of behaviour topics, that allows YOU to answer all the section III questions of MCAT.
The time restrain in section I plays a crucial role in the outcome of the exam. You only have 95 minutes to answer 59 questions which gives you about 1 minute and 36 seconds per question.
- Comprehensive
Covers all the dot points topics required for MCAT psychology, sociology, and biological foundations of behaviour content of the MCAT. - Clear and includes precise information
Provides clear and precise content that is exactly covering the dot point and does not include additional unnecessary information. - Sample passages with worked answers
The book provides a sample passage at the end of each topic which provides worked examples and explanation in the same level of difficulty as that of MCAT that will be asked for prose, cartoons, poems, social/behaviour science excerpts, and graphical representations.
MCAT Psychology and Sociology
USD $395